Assignment 26A - Celebrating Failure

There have been a number of times this past semester where I have procrastinated my assignments in this class way past where I should have. One time I was travelling back home to see my family for the weekend. Friday, when the assignments were due, was the first day I was able to view them. I noticed we had a reading reflection. Sadly, I had failed to choose a book. I was not able to complete that assignment.

This taught me to allocate my time more efficiently. I needed to start working on my assignments earlier in the week so I could make sure my interviews and prior readings are done before I begin.

Personally, I have a grudge against failure. I never want to be the center of attention after I fail. It is a feeling that nobody ever wants to feel again. But now I am starting to see the benefits of failure. Each time we fail, we learn a lesson. We can apply this to our future endeavors so we don't fail as much.


  1. Tucker:
    Well said! I thought about using an example from this course, but I decided to go with a real-life example instead. I can totally agree with your procrastination until the last day or so on assignments. I do remember freaking out early in the semester because it was Thursday night and I just had a chance to look over the assignments. I had to scramble to finish one of the assignments. I then decided to start viewing them by the latest the Friday before.


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