Assignment 21A - Reading Reflection No. 2

Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter F. Drucker

1 Peter Drucker focuses on dividing the ideas of innovation and entrepreneurship into discinct sections of his book. He does this to explain the connection of these ideas to our everyday lives, to our society, and to our economy.

2 I have heard Dr. Pryor mention Drucker in class numerous times. This class is based on many of his findings. His definition for Innovation and the opportunities to exploit it are almost used word for word in this class.

3 If I had to design some sort of exercise related to this book, It would likely be an elevator pitch. The elevator pitch captures the core ideas behind innovation and entrepreneurship. It forces entrepreneurs to find a problem, hypothesize a solution, and practice telling others about their solution. I feel that an elevator pitch is the best exercise to help people learn about this book.

4 I actually found the preface the most interesting part of the book. It was very interesting listening to the breakdown about how new the idea of “teaching” entrepreneurship is. I understand the term because of this class, but I am sure there are many people who have no clue about the actual application of the label “entrepreneur.”


  1. Tucker:
    I have read throughout my college career on Peter Drucker at various times. I have also seen several books by him on reading lists or similar subjects that I browsed on Amazon. However, I do not recall actually reading one of his books. The way you described what you learned from the book makes me interested. Perhaps I shall add to my list.

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  3. Peter Drucker, I just realized, now that you mention it, the name sounds familiar because of Dr, Pryor. This book could help a lot of people who have little to no knowledge of entrepreneurship better understand what it entails. I can honestly say I was one of those people before taking this course, but now I have a better and more correct understanding of entrepreneurship.


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