Assignment 19A - Idea Napkin No. 2

I am an enterprising individual who enjoys searching for opportunities. I have a strong background in computers.
My product is a foam insert that can be applied to windows in which the occupants desire to be in the dark. This is best for bedrooms and other rooms where darkness or privacy is desired. This product helps eliminate all light thus providing privacy and/or the ability to get a better quality of sleep each night.
The people who are interesting in my product desire to get as much accomplished during the daytime hours as possible. In order to do this they need to receive the best amount of sleep possible. These people don’t sleep very long and thus the quality of that short sleep is very important. These people are aged 18-30 and are looking to squeeze evey dollar they can out of their paycheck. They often shop at budget-minded stores such as Walmart.
Customers who want a quality sleep will pay for this product in order to optimize their sleep cycle. They care because of the benefit that it can give them.
I believe that I have a passion and desire that is unmet. I have number of technical and marketing related skills that I feel will be very useful.

I think these 5 aspects do fit together. I myself am a student who is very budget and optimization-minded. Therefore, I fit in with the people who this product would be useful for. This makes sense because I considered my own problems before I created this product to solve them. I think my core competencies are somewhat out of joint. I don’t have any actual business experience and thus I feel I might not be the best person to make this idea successful.

I learned that my customers are very budget and optimization minded. This would lead me to place my product in places such as Walmarts. Another piece of feedback that I learned is that someone mentioned how my product can be very useful for ensuring privacy. I was focusing on it’s ability to darken rooms to help with sleep. These consisted of two main points throughout my napkin.


  1. I think it's awesome that you relate so well to your potential customers. I sort of feel opposite, because I want to point out to my customers things that I've understood for a long time. I like that you plan to me mindful of what other's have commented. The privacy thing could be another marketing tactic. Your background in computers could enable you to give an online option of customizing the size or design, and then you 3D print their window cover.

  2. Tucker great post. Your strong background in computers could really help with creating a website for your product. I like how you included specific details of why your customers would need your product and that they would shop for good deals because of budget constraints. Your reflection was very insightful and I could totally see someone needing to use this product for privacy reasons.


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