Assignment 9A - Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

My product from earlier was a foam insert that will keep all light from entering a room. Thus, helping people receive better quality sleep.

People Outside my Solution
Who: People who live in certain parts of the world that do not receive much daylight would have no need for this product. Also, people who say they are not affected by incoming daylight would be critics and would likely not purchase the product.
What: The point where this product different from something also used to keep light out such as curtains is that this product fully blocks all light. It would be used in lieu or in tandem with already established light blocking objects.
Why: People inside the boundary desire a better sense of sleep and are affected by daylight more. The people outside are naturally different. It is based on their biology.
Who is in: People who use curtains or blinds but still notice the light that comes in on them when sleeping during the day
Who is not: People who use curtains and feel they are adequate enough to provide proper sleep
What the need is: the desire to block all light from windows, not just some
What the need is not:  The need is not a fashionable way to replace curtains, but rather it is a utility.
Why the need exists: some people are lighter sleepers than others, they are more affected by environmental factors and thus they would appreciate this
Alternative Explanations: Some people might just want the privacy that blocking out all light can provide


  1. I know a lot of people like my dad, a few of my uncles, and couple of friends who work nights and sleep a lot during the day. So, people who work nights could be part of your target market. I like how you specified that the product is not to replace curtains or blinds, but they are to provide a service for those who really need it.


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