Assignment 16A - What's Your Secret Sauce?

 I am a very financially savvy person. I manage my finances very well and make sure that I fully understand where each penny of my money goes.
I am also very knowledgeable with computers. I spent my senior year in high school developing java code for a class. While I do not now Java fully, I have a good understanding of it and it helps me solve a number of computing issues that often come up.
 I am a very end-game oriented person. I am good at looking at the big picture of something and not getting caught in the details. For example, I have a retirement account set up at the age of 19.
I have a determination to finish important things in my life before they are due. Rather than waiting to do something important, I want to get it done now.
I am a very clean and organized person. Seeing a mess stresses me out and therefore I have a desire to clean it. This helps me stay focused on my assignments.

Interview Link:

Interviews are in that folder and named accordingly

Interview 1 – This person told me I was normally very organized. However, at the current moment they noted that my room was very messy. This is because I was packing for a week long trip.

Interview 2 – This person mentioned I was a people person which I had never really thought of before. I have some social anxiety, but now that they mention it, once I start talking with someone we do form friendships fast.

Interview 3 – This person mentioned how I was very determined once I set my mind on something. I would agree with this statement, I just did not consider it in my top 5 qualities so it was left off.

Interview 4 – “you are cheap” -Patricia McCleary. While I prefer to call it financial savviness she summed it up as this. I agree with this statement.

 Interview 5 – This person was one of my friends whose computer I have built. He agreed with my ability to solve computer problems and build computers.

After interviewing my friends, many of them told me that I am a people person. I did not really see myself that way because normally I am not extremely social, but once I meet a person, I do converse with them well. My friends agreed with me on my computer skills. (this is likely due to the fact that I built most of their computers). They also agreed with my skills in relation to investing and long-term goals. This is most likely because I talk to them about investing often. They also echoed my passion for personal finance when they were discussing the long-term goal quality. I think that I would go back to my original list and add some social skills. I do have social skills but none of them made it onto my list. Instead my list mostly focused on problem solving.


  1. Tucker, I love that your closest people were able to make you realize something about yourself! Being people friendly is an asset, and it helps to be aware and feel confident in that ability! My people said that I am easy to get along with, which can definitely get me far in many places where that's hard to find. Your list was very "hard skill" oriented, while its sometimes easier for friends and family to focus on the soft skills (social ones). -April

  2. Tucker:
    For your five personal qualities, I can see where we have some commonalities. Especially with your noted qualities of end-game oriented and financially savvy . I am surprised that someone on my list did not mention that I was “Cheap”. I really expected my wife or one of my siblings to say just that. However, they did provide thoughtful feedback.


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