Assignment 14A - Halfway Reflection

1 In this class I have become accustomed to looking ahead at the assignments so I know if I can complete them in one day or if they take multiple days. For example, the interview assignments take multiple days and thus I have to plan that into my schedule. Most of the assignments I will do on Friday normally around noon. This gives me plenty of time to do them at a slow pace so I can learn as much as possible.

2 My first semester in college I took precalc and I struggled severely. In high school I never truly learned how to study. School came very easily for me. After my first exam I felt the pain of not knowing how to study. But, after a complete 180 in my studying habits, I was able to rally to get an A- in the class. What pulled me through was my dedication and willingness to succeed. These last two months have shown me how much entrepreneurship relies on perseverance. The constant interview-reevaluate-interview process contributed to this. Rather than fully understanding my idea after the first set of interviews, I had to constantly interview people to develop a better understanding.

3 you can’t just do something once and expect it to be perfect, it takes repetition and perseverance to achieve perfection.

Make sure you keep an eye on the assignments and how long each of them might take. Don’t wait until 5 minutes before the due date to start your interviews.

Don’t give up on any assignments, it only takes a couple assignments missed to drop you a letter grade.


  1. That is interesting to see you are taking the initiative in getting ahead of your assignments. I am taking them one assignment at a time to say the least lol. Struggling in Precalc seems to be a common ground for most people, good to see I am not alone. In addition to, yes, repetition is the key to perfection. It should be a mathematical formula.

  2. Tucker:
    I see a recurring theme in the advice that we provide to prospective new students. In this course you can set a pace on how you like to work, to some degree. However, as you noted you really have to watch out because a few missed assignments can be detrimental. I have also noticed that the perseverance is a common theme with being a successful entrepreneur. I can’t help but wonder if entrepreneurs that fail is due to giving up to soon.

  3. I have noticed that a common tip for a lot of us seems to be looking ahead at the assignments in some way, shape, or form. I agree practice and perseverance are key to succeeding in anything you set your mind to, it’s a lot of work in the beginning but once you have a set routine it really does pay off in the end.


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