Assignment 12A - Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1 The segment I have chosen within the market for people who want to get better sleep, is college students. College students specifically need every second of sleep they can get because of how little free time they have.
2 It took 5 people to finally find my group of people who were within the segment.
3/4 My first successful interviewee within my segment described to me they most often thought about the sleep they were getting, in the morning right after waking up, and right before going to bed. This time period led them to think about their past decisions and how they affected their quality of sleep. He specifically mentioned to me that he googled “ways to improve your sleep habits” in Google one morning.
My second successful interview (4th overall) mentioned to me that she often took naps. And it was after these naps that she realized she needed to do something to improve her sleep schedule. She googled “how can I sleep better” one time after her nap.
My final interview was with a student who often went out on weekdays. He mentioned to me that when he would wake up in the morning after a fun night out, he would often regret his decisions and that he did not receive much sleep, if any at all. He said he googled “hangover cures” but not googling how to improve his sleep habits.
5 done above
6 It appears that many college students are aware of the fact that they do not receive enough sleep for them to be successful. They are aware of the problem, however to them this is not an easy problem to fix. They are too busy worrying about their classes to actually work towards a solution. All of the people interviewed mentioned using Google to help them find possible solutions. This would be a great opportunity to use SEO with keywords like “sleep habits” and “better”.


  1. Tucker:
    The segment that you chose was very creative. I guess being older I did not think back on the lack of sleep that I operated on in my beginning college years. There again, if you are going to use students as your segment then you must have a relatively inexpensive product. I found it quite difficult to complete this exercise as several of the people that I tried to speak with did not fall inside of my segment.

  2. Hey Tucker. I realize through many of our classmate’s posts, including my own, that almost everyone we interview research their problem on the Internet as one of the ways to find a solution. Just an interesting observation. Back to your post, I understand how difficult it must of been to find people to interview because many people do not even notice that they have a sleeping problem.


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