Assignment 3A - Your Entrepreneurship Story

I think it’s rather ironic that the prompt mentioned leading a project in middle school because that’s exactly what my entrepreneurship experience was. When I was an 8th grader I was the National Junior Honor Society president. I wanted to start a food drive to benefit our local food pantry, our school was not really doing anything to give back to our community. I learned about the Souper Bowl of Caring organization and I wanted to replicate it at my school. So, along with my fellow Honor Society members I labeled a number of boxes with the 2 teams competing that year, the Ravens and the 49ers and distributed them to each class room. To incentivize the students, I got permission from administration to give the grade that donated the most cans a pizza party. We received a lot of donations and the 3rd graders won. It was a great way for us as a school to give back to our community.
I enrolled in ENT 3003 for a number of reasons. The simplest was that I had a desire to complete an entrepreneurship minor at UF and this is the first class required for it. I desired to start a business one day and I thought that this would help me accomplish that goal. In a more important sense, I want to start a business that truly makes a difference at some point in my life. I do not know what that business would be at this current moment, but I know that I don’t want my life to be meaningless. I want to make an impact on this world and I think one of the best ways to do that is through starting a business that can truly change the world.

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  1. Ridgely, that is amazing that you were able to produce an entrepreneurship example from being in middle school. I was not so ambitious as a child; therefore, my story did not develop until I was a young adult. Nonetheless, I learned that being an entrepreneur was not exactly what I wanted to do during my youth. I now know that is because I have a slight risk aversion. I do plan to use what I learn while at UF to help me decide if entrepreneurship is for me later in life.

  2. Interesting that you went as far back as middle school to reminisce on your first entrepreneurship experience. Its funny, that the little experiences we have at a young age are actually huge things that shape our lives and minds. Seems that we took this class for similar reasons as well. to unravel an entrepreneurial,creative mind and to potentially run a business down the road. Making an impact on the world is extremely important in my eyes as well.


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