Assignment 2A - Bug List

Bug #1 - Baja Blast is only sold in cans/bottles during the summer months. I wish that I could purchase it year round in a form that would allow me to consume it whenever I wanted at home.
Why It exists- Taco Bell and Mountain Dew protect the product’s “exclusive” nature by only selling it during the summer and at Taco Bell. This creates lots of media presence and hype surrounding the product when it finally comes back into stores.

Bug #2 – Whenever I try to enter a room, often a classroom full of people, the door hinge squeaks loudly.
Why it exists – This problem exists because oiling door hinges is relatively low on the priority list for maintenance personnel.

Bug #3 – Sometimes it takes me hours to finally fall asleep
Why it exists – This bug exists because I often transition from doing something to trying to sleep with no time in between for my body and mind to calm down.

Bug #4 – It bugs me that some days I will wake up and sneeze all morning and other days I will be completely fine. I cannot figure out if it’s my apartment or my bedding or some other thing.
Why it exists – this bug exists because there is either mold, dust, or some other allergen in or near my apartment building that is making my allergies react in this way.

Bug #5 – It bugs me that cell service along I75 drops out periodically.
Why it exists – Cell service companies have neglected to build cell towers along this major highway and in towns along it.

Bug #6 -  It bugs me that no one is in Gainesville during Summer A.
Why it exists – Most people go home for Summer A, do internships during it, or go on vacation. Very few people take classes or work in Gainesville and thus it’s very quiet and empty.

Bug #7 - It bugs me that certain classes aren’t available all semesters at UF
Why it exists - This bug exists because teachers want vacations just like the rest of us.

Bug #8 – It bugs me when semi-trucks drive next to me on the highway. It stresses me out because of how much space they take up in their lane. A slight shift to my side would push me off the road.
Why this exists - This exists because semi-trucks are one of the many ways in which we transport shipments of goods. The human error associated with driving also causes the stress previously mentioned. It only takes a few seconds for a driver to destroy another car next to them.

Bug #9 -  It bugs me that most TVs do not come equipped with a way to manage cords
Why this exists – the majority of the population does not care how their TV looks, they just care about the picture quality. Thus, manufacturers have not put the time and effort into adding this feature because they do not think it will benefit sales or customer satisfaction.

Bug #10 – The toilet in my apartment bathroom has to flush twice before working properly. The first flush fills up the bowl and the next actually flushes.
Why this exists - I assumed it was a problem with my toilet specifically but both of my roommates have the same problem. This specific toiled has a design flaw where it is a 2-step flush.

Bug #11 – When I cook chicken breast, the oil and fat from the chicken spit out and make the entire stove top dirty.
Why this exists - When the fat reacts with the heat it pops, this makes it leave the pan and land on the stove and counter top. There isn’t anything to cover the top of the chicken pan that allows steam to exit.

Bug #12 – It bugs me that some foods on their expiration date are still completely fine to eat and others are absolutely disgusting
Why this exists - There is no standardization between expiration dates. Therefore, companies can put whatever they want on the dates which is extremely unreliable.

Bug #13 – it bugs me that gas prices have been steadily going up the past year.
Why this exists – government actions and sanctions have resulted in a steady rise to the bulk price of crude oil. This in turn raises the price of gasoline.

Bug #14 – It bugs me that I am allergic to wool. When I touch it I develop a bad rash
Why this exists- at some point my body developed an aversion to the material. I truly have no idea how that happens.

Bug #15 – It bugs me that in order to keep up with many different popular TV shows, I have to purchase multiple different subscriptions such as Hulu, Netflix, HBO, and Amazon Prime.
Why this exists -  Each television subscription service protects its own shows so that you have to buy their service if you want to watch it.

Bug #16 – It bothers me that my phone is slow. My google Pixel phone is only a year old and yet it is extremely slow.
Why this exists – Either I received a defective phone, Google’s software is poorly made, or my phone has just not aged well.

Bug #17 – It bothers me that my Canvas courses show up on the day the class starts. Maybe it was just me, but none of my courses showed up early, so on the first day I was already behind on reading the syllabus and a number of other activities.
Why this exists – The UF Canvas database might have been struggling to add everyone to their courses or I was just coincidentally one of the last people to be added to my pages.

Bug #18 – Sometimes my computer mouse will randomly freeze. The mouse will sit on the screen however I am not able to move it at all. I can still right click for some odd reason, but I cannot move the cursor, nor can I left click.
Why this exists - My mouse is nearly brand new so I assume that it’s a software issue within Windows. Windows is notorious for having a number of those.

Bug #19 – It takes multiple remotes to work different aspects of my TV. For example, there is a TV remote that controls volume, but a cable box remote that controls channels.
Why this exists – The cable company and the TV manufacturer use different ways for the remotes to communicate with the TV and cable box. Therefore, one default remote cannot be used for both.

Bug #20 – It bugs me that nearly everything that tastes really good is horrible for you. Why does life have to be so cruel?
Why this exists – Normally its an excess of salt or sugar that makes unhealthy foods taste so good. These two chemicals are very pleasant when they interact with out taste buds.

Reflection: I would not say the list was difficult to come up with, it was mostly just time consuming. Number 20 was actually pretty difficult to come up with, but I feel that was just because I was close to finishing so it felt like a longer period of time. It was difficult at times to think about why something existed. When I mentioned some chemical processes, I truly did not know why they existed so I had to make my best guess.


  1. Bonjour Ridgely! Awesome bug list, there is a lot here that bugs me that I didn't even realize until I read your list, like the doors squeaking and the sporadic sneezing (strange allergies I guess). Those things really bug me! I enjoyed reading about other bugs that I didn’t even know existed. Bug 19 for example, I never had that problem with remotes before, but when I think about it my cousins do use two remotes for their television and I’ve witnessed how much it bugs them when they can’t find one or the other. Also, great work on getting down to the source on why these bugs exist.

  2. Hey Tucker! Boy, do I have advice for you! Clarispray! Your bug #4- Clarispray is on sale in CVS this week, it's $20 for the larger spray bottle and I'm telling you, it works! I've always had really bad seasonal allergies, but you could just take it on those days when you're sneezy.
    Cover your pan with the lid of a pot when you're cooking chicken! It will lock in the moisture, too, preventing the chicken from getting too dry.

    I had trouble coming up with my bug list too, but that was mostly because I procrastinated. I also hate how canvas starts at the beginning of the semester but it's always been like that since 2015 when I started at UF. Thanks for sharing your bugs, they were interesting to read!

  3. Hi Ridgely, you have truly broken the mold with your bug's list. You've created 'The People's Bug's List'. I countless complaints mirroring most if not all of the bugs you listed, myself included. Number 7, is a particularly frustrating bug for me and probably every other graduate student, or undergraduate junior or senior, striving to graduate by a certain time, yet challenged by the scheduling of core courses necessary for a given major.


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