Assignment 20A - Growing Your Social Capital

Brandy Wasenda
Brandy is a domain expert, she sells blinds and curtains which accomplish some of the same goals that my product would also. I found this person because she is my girlfriend’s mother. I went over to her hours and has a discussion about her experience in the market place. We talked for a while and I asked her to review my elevator pitch because I was sure that she would have had experience with that as well. We talked about my delivery and how it was still a little fast. I told Mrs. Wasenda that I would help out anytime she needs technical assistance in exchange for the help with my pitch. Mrs. Wasenda helps me gain valuable domain experience. I can learn how people act and what they buy in the curtain/blind industry. This could then help me in the future with my product.

Ken Hough
Ken Hough is my uncle who works as a marketer for Hint, a flavored water brand. He targets college students much like I do in my business as well. He is my marketing expert. We talked about what I can specifically do to target a younger generation. Putting advertisements in places where young people often go such as bars, and on college campuses has worked well for Hint. My uncle had me practice my elevator pitch in front of him. He told me I was very thorough about the product description, but maybe I should spend some more time on the pricing at the end. He said it was a bit too fast. I also told him that if he needed any computer help to contact me immediately.

Betty Sutton
I met Betty Sutton outside a Panera during the Fall semester. I reached out to her by phone call for a chance to interview her. Ms. Sutton is a cotton farmer and thus she provides materials for blinds, curtains, and possibly my foam panels. Ms. Sutton talked with me about how supply chain management works exactly. She gave me a very clear picture on how she gets her cotton to the doors of the people that need it. Ms. Sutton wanted to see some of my past assignments and the feedback others had given me. She liked what some of them said and commented on my bug list post. She told me about how opportunities are everywhere around us. I told Ms. Sutton that if I used cotton in the production of my panels, then I would most certainly contact her about it.

I think this experience really opened my eyes. Normally when I talk to people it is a much more passive event. Rather than idly listen to conversation, I was actually trying to form a beneficial connection with the other party. It felt very different to go into a meeting with someone with the intention of furthering my product, not just to talk with them.


  1. You seem to have a very diverse group of people as your interviewees. I had that as well, and that is good to see. And yes, this was a very eye opening assignment and helped me learn constructive criticism and how to handle it effectively and put it positively toward my business plan. You seemed to have gotten a tremendous amount out of it as well.

  2. I like how two of your contacts were strong ties, while one was a loose tie (that related well to the lectures last Monday). In my interviews, I had one strong tie, and two people that I wasn't tied to at all. I think your contacts were much more likely to be useful to you, since they are in your circle already. I will say that your Uncle's advice about selling in bars would be a little strange since it is a home-decor type product and not a food or drink.


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