17A - Elevator Pitch Practice (Part 2)

https://photos.app.goo.gl/THphCSPM8DhdgC3F7 -  Link for video

I saw that people told me my volume was a good volume and I had a proper appearance. Some people appreciated the detail that I put into the section explaining how the product functions. I hoped to slow down my speech in this second pitch. My first pitch went a little too fast, I often struggle speaking a little too fast so hopefully this one was slower.

I made sure to slow down the speed at which I delivered my pitch. That seemed to be the most common problem in my last pitch.


  1. You honestly sounded like a commercial! You included lots of relatable info! I think that you should have left more time to slow down at the end and focus on "pitching." The ending was a little awkward ("thank you so much for listening to me"). You could slow down or practice it more to improve that and seem more natural.

    1. Didn't quite hit 60 words! Umm, your eye contact was great, it seemed like you were in person! Good job!

  2. Tucker:
    I just finished reviewing your second video. Once again, you gained my attention in the beginning of the video, Great Job! Even though our presentations are very short, thank goodness, your presentation includes, statistics, product information, and price. I would recommend watching your eye contact; you do not appear to be looking into the camera on this video. If you are reading from a script, I would suggest some memorization to help control your eye contact.


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